Saturday, May 12, 2012

Menu #2

Happy Mother’s Day!  I’m not going to get a chance to post my weekly menu tomorrow because I’m working at the winery.  It’s going to be 90 degrees with 900 reservations!  Mother’s Day has to be the absolute busiest day for restaurants and wineries.  I honestly think it’s because dads and children are in charge of taking care of it all; and come on let’s face it, it’s easier for them to just make a reservation at mom’s favorite place. 

Last week’s menu was pretty much on queue except for there was no homemade pizza on Friday because I was exhausted from working at the winery, so we got Mexican take-out instead.  The grilled turkey got moved to Sunday so when I get home from work there will be a yummy turkey dinner waiting for me…hopefully!  J

This week’s menu and the menus for the next month are part of our new “diet.”  I’m not a really good dieter, especially when I’m working in a restaurant, but I found this new plan that sounds very reasonable.  The basics of it are more lean protein and healthier carbs.  I chose this plan because it’s a lot of what we eat anyway but just less portions.  Also, did I forget to add you get 1 “cheat” day a week!  The plan also includes 2 snacks a day and the snack choices include a glass of wine or a beer…best diet ever!!!   Our goal is to lean up before we head on our family vacation to Maui at the end of August…so here we go!
Monday:  Summer Chili over steamed brown rice
(The chili will have leftover turkey with onion, bell pepper, corn, tomatoes, & white beans)

Tuesday:  Whole-Wheat Pasta w/ turkey & spinach

Wednesday:  Leftovers

Thursday:  Italian-Style Halibut Packets over whole-wheat couscous
(The halibut is cooked on the grill in foil packets with tomatoes, olives, olive oil, basil & oregano.)

Friday:  This is my cheat day because I’m teaching a Desserts Cooking Class, and how the heck am I supposed to diet at a dessert class?!?!   So it’s chocolate-banana cream pie, strawberry-mascarpone granita, and individual berry crumbles for dinner…yay!!!  Hubby & son will probably have mac n cheese or chicken nuggets with fries.  J

Saturday:  Santa Maria Tri Tip, baked potato w/ Greek yogurt and sautéed mushrooms
(The tri-tip marinade is my brand new recipe this week.  I got it from a magazine interview with Zac Efron.  I guess his dad used to make it all the time and it's one of his favorite childhood food memories, so I'll let you know what we think.  The marinade consists of salsa, homemade BBQ sauce, pickled jalapeno juice, & dry mustard.)

Sunday:  Leftovers

Now tell me what's cooking in your kitchen this week or send me a favorite recipe of yours to try!  If you ever have any questions regarding anything on my menu, please ask me!

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